Fields marked [single] must only be specified once in the request. If you specify them several times, the value will be taken from the last line in order.
Basic fields
url X
Specifies URL for the HTTP request, where X it full URL.
Example: url
method X
Specifies the HTTP request method. Where X can be one of the possible values: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH.
Example: method POST
body X
Specify the content in the body for the HTTP request.
Example: body {"jsonField": "jsonValue" }
Form fields
form X=Y
Add form field where X it name of field and Y it value.
Example: form count=100
file X=Y
Add file field where X it name of file field and Y it full path for file in filesystem.
Example: file poster=~/images/poster.jpg
Header fields
<header name> <value>
Add header field for one of standart headers, where header name it name of standart header and value it header value.
You can see full list of standard headers on this page.
Example: Content-Type application/json
X-<header name> <value>
Add header field for non standart headers, where header name it name of header and value it header value.
For a while there was a format for custom headers like X-<Header Name>
Example: X-USERID 550
header <header name> <value>
Add header field for non standart headers, where header name it name of header and value it header value.
Example: header USERID 550
pastry <cookie name>=<value>
Adding parameter to Cookie
header, where cookie name it name of header and value it value.
Example: header USERID 550
protocol <value>
By default, all HTTPS requests will attempt to use the HTTP/2 protocol. If this is undesirable behavior, you can force requests to run over HTTP/1.1 defining this field.
Example: protocol 1.1
URL improve fields
param <parameter name>=<value>
Adding a URL parameter, where parameter name is the name of the parameter and value is its value.
For ease of readability, it may be helpful if the URL itself and its parameters are separated. For example, I have a full URL
We can split it in the application into two lines: the first url
and the second param id=20
Example: param userId=1
route <route name>=<value>
Adding a URL parameter, where route name is the name of the parameter and value is its value.
The modern way is to add URL parameters as part of the route, like, where 20 is actually an parameter like identifier.
We can split it in the application into two lines: the first url{id}/product
and the second route id=20
The application supports placing the same segment in multiple places, for example{id}/product/{id}
Example: route segment=2
postscript <script>
Adding a postscript, where script is a script written in JavaScript to process the request result.
The script can be used to validate results using custom logic. You can read more about scripting on this page.
Example: postscript result.hasErrors = response.statusCode != 200;
Extra fields
title <name>
Adding title for query, where name is the name of the query.
The title will appear in the request list and can be used as a human-readable description.
Example: title Query for get all products
options <option1>,<option2>,<option3>
Adding options for performing query, where optionX is the name of the option.
You can check the list of all options on this page.
Example: options noautoredirect,weaksslcheck